I'm a Black Sheep!
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Digital Enthusiast | Technology Lover | Growth Hacker
Food lover | Traveler

I believe in life, full of emotions and dreams that can be realized. I believe in love, real and passionate, that takes your breath away. I believe in a stranger’s smile, in change and transformation. And I believe in second chances. I believe nothing happens accidentally. I believe in picking oneself up after falling. I believe that making mistakes, because you had the courage to try, is much better than just letting your life flow in front of you without doing anything. And I believe in people, in friendships and in being able to be amazed or excited like children.

If I had to choose 3 words to describe me, they would be: curiosity, passion and courage. And sensitivity to accompany the lot. Damn, that’s four words…
Curiosity for everything that surrounds me: places, people, cuisine. This is perhaps the reason why I love to travel so much.
Passion for people and the things I choose to do every day. I always love learning something new and being able to put it into practice.
Courage, to express myself fully, courage to be able to leave everything and start again, courage to be able to get up when I fall.


The worst defect?
Being stubborn, before understanding something I have to bang my head against it, over and over again.


Why Black Sheep?
Because I love thinking with my own head and I saying what’s on my mind, even at the risk of being a voice out of the chorus.
Because I do things my way, often without compromise and certainly without regrets.
I’m a black sheep and proud of it.
And if you’re still asking yourself “why black sheep”, click here and read the article in my blog where I explain the reasons why.

Curious about me? Discover my social profiles!



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Ci vediamo lì ;-)

Flavia seduta a gambe incrociate con il suo mac book air

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